Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's college kids lack empathy

So when the 'end of the system' comes, they're programmed to fight each other rather than fight for a common cause...

1 comment:

Penny Stock Investing said...

Interesting post about college kids lack of empathy. But I think it also is true for much of the society. I would like to comment about the average salaries that students from Ivy league schools earn compared to non Ivy league schools. This is an elitist system although their are many talented students from Ivy league schools their are also many talented students from non Ivy league schools yet anyone that graduates from one of these schools more often than not gets a ticket to a top job. What I would love to see for example is the bottom 10% of the graduating class of harvard yale and princeton and compare their salaries to the top 10% of the gratuating class of the non Ivy league schools that are considered very good maybe the universities that are considered to be in the top 20% or about that but exclude harvard' yale and princeton. Now compare their salaries and see if the Ivy leaguers in the bottom 10% of their class still make more money and have better jobs than the non Ivy leaguers that graduated in the top 10% of their class. If they do this proves what I said in the beginning of my comment. Its an elitist system.