Friday, June 11, 2010

Intraday $RUT trendline

Overall, a nice trendline...but you can see where I got stopped out, where it briefly broke...


mlytle said...

Hi Anonymous,
I've just been running the numbers, and I suspect Monday (tomorrow) to be a down day, maybe significantly. Then I expect over the next week for the $SPX to get close to it's 50% retrace from the April 26th high to the 6/8/10 low, and the $RUT to come close to it's 62% Fib retrace...Then a slow roll over from that top, not as fast as a drop as we've seen lately......Timewise, the top could be anywhere from next Friday (6-18-10) to the following Tuesday (6-22-10)...Of course normal disclaimers apply as everything I do is experimental..

Good Luck..


mlytle said...

for some reason I deleted a redundant comment of mine, and it killed yours too...Google has some bugs to remove I'd say..


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,

Just shorted index, $SPX @ 1101

We'll see.

RE lost post: did you get a chance to read / consider the "swan" potential concerning new circuit breaker rules?


Anonymous said...


covered at 2:08 and :09pm
originally shorted at 10:21 and :22
small gain

it was taking too long to get going.


mlytle said...

Hi Anonymous,

Yes, I was following the market action as I was writing the latest post..This rally still has some oomph in it...I was toying with the idea of going long with the right entry point, but I would have wanted a real low entry point and that didn't materialize...We're both frustrated here...
