Saturday, August 30, 2008

Check out the Financial Sense Newshour from today, August 30, 2008

Jim Kunstler speaks on the 2nd half of their Internet radio show. If you've never heard him before you should listen in...
The link is :

If you have listened to folks on the Financial Sense website before, you know that Climate Change and Peak Oil are game changers for the world and threaten the very foundations of our civilization,

I encourage you to join one of the two organizations whose links I provide here:

The top one is affiliated loosely with Al Gore
and the second one is (Obviously) T. Boone Pickens's attempt at solving the energy/climate crisis....

I have signed up personally with both.

For those of you who have missed it, please check out this 10 year oil price chart and explanation, it provides the backdrop for today's posting, and the references above:

As always, click on the charts to see them better (make them bigger)


john said...


thanx, I do like reading and listening to Kuntsler. In my opinion, the Pols will do absolutely nothing to avoid this mess no matter what happens. There is no one who is going to tell the American people to give up their SUVs , their suburban house or anything else. Happens to every Empire, we have reached our pinnacle.

old john

mlytle said...

Hi John,
I agree with you. I do my best to tell people about these issues, but I'm probably pretty pessimistic.
Most people don't see climate change or Peak Oil as real. I think I do a little showboating on these issues just to keep my conscience clear..Most people continue to believe we can drill our way out of an energy crisis. I would tell these folks that I worked in the oil business for 25 years, I know otherwise. And you are right, American materialism will keep people from even wanting to hear the truth, even though it's really more about survival than "stuff"...

Mark L.

john said...


I will agree with you but add my own twist. We are an Empire ( I cannot believe anyone would argue that with troops in Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Iraq, Germany, Afghanistan, etc.) and all empires eventually become bloated and lose their position at the top. It is the human nature of the leaders from the beginning of history. As Americans ,many think that it is different this time. It is not.
I personally think that the top came when we went to an all volunteer ( mercenary) army. That was done to keep the voters voting for the same political leaders and as a sidelight, when you do not want to send your son/daughter off to some BS war, you may not vote the correct way and leave an opening for a true reformer.
I know I rambled a lot, but just as with the stock market, it is not different this time.

old john

mlytle said...

Yes, indeed we are an empire, and in decline as you said. I am curious as to whether we will be the last "global" empire, due to energy constraints... I halfway suspect the vacuum we leave behind will be filled by a bunch of "regional" power centers...


john said...


It is funny that most Americans do not think that we are an Empire. Has to be the Media and the faulty history that is taught in our substandard schools.
It is almost amusing that with all of our knowledge, we made the same mistakes as everyone else. Rome, England,Spain,etc. Has to be a human frailty.
If kuntsler is correct about the move to small town areas, drastic repercussions for this country. If one is Spanish and lives in the Southwest, he/she will have much more in common with Mexico than the USA>
old john