Monday, February 18, 2008

Danger ahead! Watch your bank accounts!

Many Websites and Blogs are mentioning this, I would be remiss not to mention it also, most of the U.S. banks are showing negative net reserves as of a few weeks ago, meaning they are essentially bankrupt right now. This means that the probability that one, two or more of these troubled institutions could fail at any time is fairly high. It would be a good idea to take some cash out and hold it in some place that's safe and unknown to others, in case you find yourself needing operating capital during a time period when your normal bank accounts are not available to you....I'm not being alarmist, this is the logical outcome of the horrific financial condition our banking system, under the tutelege of our corrupt Federal Reserve system, has put itself in. I suggest you follow the link to Cycles News and Views and listen to the audio broadcast there, sponsored by Tim Wood. Excellant to listen to. That's not the only Website talking about this, but one of the best. Also check out the WallStreet Examiner website, also doing a great job of educating the public about the monstrousity that is the Federal Reserve and the great con job that has been pulled/ is being pulled on the American people. Learn what you can, remember, knowledge is power!

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