The vertical dashed lines (blue and red) are the core time spans, and the solid blue and red vertical lines shows the addition of that amount of time, so labeled, referenced and added to that original span. Different methods/systems, similar results...
Mark: Too many lines, not clear.
Vert dash blue/red core time spans?
Vert solid blue/red show addition of that amount of time?
MLNX original had Exponential Time Nodes - I see that.
MLNX this chart - not clear on its calculations. Are you saying these are the Fib time ratios projected ahead from 2(3?) sets of 'Start', 'A', 'C' values?
Bill, you don't need to do Start -A -C with Fibonacci, any pair of top and a bottom or bottom and a top is the span you work from. The only calculation is multiplication. The dashed line pairs are the spans that are extended through multiplication. Fibonacci is much simpler than Nodes...
Mark: Thanks. I do see that now. I went thru your Armstrong article - the second plot. Did see how you were calculating.
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