So who is Martin Armstrong? He's in jail for some kind of alleged fraud, I think. He is a former Wall Street insider type who claims he was victimized by the government for 'knowing to much' or something like that. In all honesty, I don't know enough about his case to evaluate his personal situation. But he has a kind of cycle theory, which has had some spectacular hits. His defenders have a website with some of his work, he publishes from prison. The link is here:
Anyway, his next cycle turn date is a bottom, and it's due about 6/15/11.
It turns out that the move from October '07 to March '09, when extended out by 1.618, comes to that date, to the day.
I have found nodes that line up with it pretty well, and at least one more Fibonacci extension that also lines up, again, almost to the day.
Check out his link, it's interesting. He may have nailed where Elliot Wave '3' of this bear market will end, timewise...
In the lower chart shown, his prediction of 2011.45 aligns perfectly with the 'blue' 1.618 vertical line projection. You can check this out on a spreadsheet or calculator...
Mark: Yes, looks like 06/15/11 is 2.618 times the 'Workdays' between 10/11/07 and March 6, 09.
2.681*367 days = 680.81.
I used regress2 and managed to get it.
I seem to be about a day long?
so when does the top occur?
Hi Anonymous,
This method missed the top, which he put at 2009.3, which would have been sometime in the spring. The top could be at any time, perhaps today. I see the $SPX has made a marginal new high and the $NDX has failed to do so. That sometimes happens at tops where the Nasdaq fails to confirm a breakout...
Mark L.
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