This is a test, this is only a test....The exponential theory I have been developing doesn't exclude channels, but also doesn't explicitly create them....Look at the chart at the top of this post, here I found an exponential trendline (green) that defined the March 2009 bottom. By adding a set amount to it, I created the parallel black trendline that defines the tops here. Visually, it seems to look right, but we have to wait and see if the market turns around as it tickles the bottom of that black trendline. If it works, then we have identified a channel that maybe can help us find very important bottoms and tops well into the future, as channels do tend to persist in time...On ordinary $SPX charts that others use, these features will not be apparent or visible at all...Note how the conventional channel in the bottom conventional chart, (courtesy of Bigcharts) compares....Both charts cover the exact same time periods....
(Click on the charts above to enlarge them)
I like this chart. Please keep updating us on it.
Hi Gail,
I certainly will....my intellectual curiosity is really buzzing here... :}
Best Regards,
Mark L.
I'm excited about this also. It will be interesting to see how things develop.
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