Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There's a lot of activity on the legal front against Goldman and the New York Fed, but..

Sounds like some tough prosecutors, Neil Barofsky and Robert Khuzami, are going after the NewYork Fed and Goldman, respectively. I haven't posted anything about these stories yet, because it remains to be seen how aggressive these campaigns turn out to be. As good as these men are, I don't think the American legal system is up to the task, I don't believe the U.S. can reform itself. I would like to be proven wrong, but I think the U.S. is too far gone to be revived as an ongoing concern - corruption is still spiraling upward as far as I can see, and some kind of collapse is probably baked in the cake already....

1 comment:

Penny Stock Investing said...

I can;t believe that the banksters have gotten away with all this ilegal stuff not a single bankster has been brought to justice.